Friday, July 10, 2009

finially a hot spot

ok the last few days we have had a hell of a time getting things
to upload from where we are camped, so i am wrighting this
from under the l train outside of yankee stadium. we have visited woodstock as well as bethal woods where the
woodstock music festisval was actually held, getting there was a chore
in 2009, have no idea how they all got there in 69.
for those of you looking for the next vehicle carnage, here it is.
driving down the road in albany and some lady expected me to
move, boy was she mistaken.
they were having a cat thing in catskill, they had different cats painted all over town and they even had some painted statues ha haand a lovely shot of the hudson river and hudson river valley. we came down to "the city" today and were able to manage the traffic although we haven't left yet and will have to make another trip in to head out to long island.

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