Wednesday, October 13, 2010

an airplane ride

our plane

our pilot eric

taking off

our campground, you can't see our trailer
but we are just under the trees before you see the first campers

a light house off the coast of mt. desert island and acadia national park

about to land

closer to landing

a rare site, rose maire and i in a photo together

as you have seen through out the photos today
rose marie and i went on a aireal fall folage tour of
mt. desert island and acadia park, there was a lot of
glare in through the windows so i hope you enjoy the photos
we had a great time.


  1. It's about time; I've been waiting all day for these! The photos you posted look great and your campground is in a gorgeous setting. Glad you didn't scare your pilot to death trying to hang out the door to get the best shot!!!

  2. Nice picturs!! Really like the one of the two of you!!!!:)

  3. to vicky, thank you and rose marie wants you to go for a ride in the small plane.

    to beth, ya ya ya you get them whe we get around to it!!! and i was in the back so i couldn't get out for the great shot.

  4. Now THAT is the way to see the Fall Foliage! Fantastic pictures!
