Friday, October 15, 2010

heading out of maine

bucksport church from the top of the
observation deck of the bridge
taken by beth on her field trip with
the third graders she teaches

after leaving bar harbor we decided to take
a side trip to the portland headlight due to the
northeaster that was moving up the coast
the waves were big and beautiful

however the waves didn't come without a price
those damn granite curbs took one of the tires
on the camper to the tire grave yard
so far that is one this year


  1. The wave pics are fabulous - sorry to hear about the tire.

  2. Absolutely beautiful!!
    The pic of the church was actually taken from the fort. I was glad to see your blog. It means you made it to Conn.

  3. Some reason i knew you couldn't pass up Portland Light House!!!! And the picture of the church with the colors That truly is the a picture of what New England is. . .
