Thursday, October 7, 2010

ok i missed a couple of days

please forward all correspondence to our new address

portland from the water front

the marina in portland

doors on one of the many - many old churches in portland

and a beautiful sunset to end the day

so yesterday we did laundry and then came
back to the camper where i promptly fell asleep
until rose marie woke me up to take my pills
so that i could go to bed at around 7

and today we went down to portland with dad
and beth so that dad could have a little
electro shock treatment.

it went well and his ticker is not shivering any more
he goes back to the doctor on the 24th to see if
everything is still going alright.

i told him that it would be much cheaper if
he would just let us hook him up to the
battery jumper cables.


  1. Now there's a pun if I ever heard one. Cool church. I take it dad didn't go for your inventive jumper cable idea??

  2. I saw the boat just did not put it together really must be blond!!
