Monday, September 15, 2014

bombs away

black squirrel in kankakee

another shot
somewhere in this tree are three brown
squirrels, throwing acorns down on top
of the camper sounding like hail.
the trailer had it's leg repaired in milton wi, it took a little over an hour to get us back on the road which was a good thing since
 we were "not where we thought
we should be". we spent all morning driving around in circles.
not a bad thing, we saw a lot
of the county side.
our new campground just outside of down town milwaukee.
not much to look at but there is no mud and it's level, for us a
real plus and keeps the crap out.

1 comment:

  1. Bet you're both really happy about the NO MUD! About acorns and squirrels - give me acorns anytime instead of walnuts in a rain storm pelting down on a camper - sounded like someone had a hammer out there and was having a ball! Happened to Mike, Lu and I in Indiana one year. Needless to say we were all up at 3am and ready to get out of there! Jody
