Sunday, September 21, 2014

on the road

so today we moved up to a small town
shawano, just a little north and
west of green bay
before we departed got some shots of
where we stayed for a week

this is the tent setup next to the
campground we looked it up and it was
kind of a musical circus

and who could resist a giant
inflatable pumpkin filled with anything
you may need for halloween
once on the road, we stopped at a cheese tour
and this bird was in the river across the street
i went to take a shot but i need a little work
on my sneaking, this is where it landed after
i startled in and it flew away

1 comment:

  1. Those pesky birds - sometimes they just don't cooperate but you got a good pic anyway! Lovin' all the pics and I found you on the map LOL Jody
