Friday, September 26, 2014

ok,ok i missed a day

on thursday we went up past sturgeon bay
looking for light houses
we found a few most seem to be tucked
back behind, around or under some
goofy lettered street letter like dd, ca, oo
you get the point
this one is as far out on that little
finger that sticks up above green bay

some underwater rocks and sand
the beach and lake next to
the underwater rocks
ok i lied this is the lighthouse that is the
furthest out on the finger
looking back at the second furthest lighthouse
from the furthest lighthouse
as we were cruising around we came across
a park called cave point
the lake has undermined the
rocks causing caves
that the water sloshes in and out

a view across some bay, can't remember which one
another lighthouse in the same area
mosquito breeding ground i swear
some pretty berrys, i didn't eat them but thought about it
today was moving day, all hooked up
and ready to go

took a little break and ended up on a dirt road
surprise, surprise but it was a
smooth road which
took us back to the main road.
we are now just outside of superior, wi
we will start looking around tomorrow
in this area as well as duluth
heard there was a good deli on the
waterfront that smokes their own meats


  1. You're seeing some very pretty fall colors! The caves were cool and interesting - glad you didn't eat the berries - LOL - they were too pretty to eat anyway. The tree root pic was amazing! How's the new leg on camper holding out? Hope it's working perfectly! The scenery at that spot was a little better than the parking lot before - LOL The mystery bay was gorgeous! And IF you guys hadn't found a new dirt road, I would have been disappointed - LOL Jody

  2. How beautiful. The fall colors are so vibrant. The water so clear and blue. Every picture looks like it should be in a book. Thanks for sharing
